About the Journal

Journal of Social Sciences and Business Studies is an Interdisplinary Journal. It encourages research that seeks to transcend the conventional disciplinary boundaries in social sciences in order to capture broader and more nuanced perspectives of development problems. Inter- disciplinary sits at the heart of the Journal, reflecting the recognition of the necessity to engage politics, political economy and history in order to advance an understanding of local realities within a global context and of the global from the vantage point of the local. More specifically, it focuses, among other issues, on topics that deal with the analysis of rural and agricultural transformation, industrialization, development strategies, gender, public health and poverty issues, science and technology and the environment with respect to Tanzania and other African countries. All articles or papers submission should not be under consideration elsewhere and should be original work.

Origin of the Journal

The journal of Social Sciences and Business Studies of Kampala International University in Tanzania was founded in 2018 as the first academic journal of the University which is  peer reviewed and international scientific  Journal with ISSN number 2619-8932 . The journal is hosted in the Department of Social Sciences within the Faculty of Computing, Management and Social Sciences. This is partly because the founder Dr. Frateline Mlashani Kashaga established the Journal when he was the Head of Department of Social Sciences 2018-2020. Needless to say, the first and founding Chief Editor is Professor Severine Rugumamu and his Deputy Chief Editor is Professor  Gerald O'relly Martin. 

The Journal is externally refereed and will be published twice a year-June and December. The authors name, rank and institutional affiliation and address should appear as footnote number one on the title page. Submitted manuscripts should not be more than 8000 words (about 18-20 pages), typed double-spaced, page numbered and submitted to the Chief Editor electronically. Tables, figures and other illustrations should not be typed preferably on separated pages. They should have short descriptive titles. All references to books and articles should be identified in the text by the surname of the author, year of publication and page number placed in parentheses, for example (Kashaga, 1995:35). short and long quotations should be indented, separated from the main paragraph and italicized. The list of references used should be arranged alphabetically and strictly follow the American psychological Association (APA) format, as shown in the following examples.



Alfani, B (1986).Simple Commodity Production. Journal of Development Studies, 2(4), 250_73.


Alfani, B. (1986).Simple Commodity Production. Oxford: Pergamum Press. Mimeos or Discussion


Alfani, B. (1986).Simple Commodity Production. Yale University, Discussion Paper No.20

Unpublished Articles/Papers:

Alfani, B. (1986).simple commodity production, unpublished Ph.D. Thesis of the Sokoine University of Agriculture, Morogoro.

Review Essays are longer than book reviews and should cover substantial literature regarding a particular issue or issues of several books. They should not exceed 5 pages.

Book reviews these are critical short essay evaluating the merits and limitations of an academic work. They should not exceed 3 pages.