Call for Submission of Manuscripts for 2025
Posted on 2024-06-19The Tanzanian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies (TzJMS) is an international, multidisciplinary, online journal published by Kampala International University in Tanzania. This peer reviewed, open access journal publishes well-written articles from a wide range of disciplines which include natural sciences, social and management sciences, legal studies and governance, arts and humanities, education, linguistics, mathematics, engineering, health sciences, information communications and so on. The TzJMS offers scholars and practitioners a platform to publish high quality research whether it is empirical, analytical, conceptual, qualitative, descriptive, or evaluative, which tests or extends the frontiers of knowledge and contributes to current research or debates.
The TzJMS invites the submission of high-quality theoretical and empirical original research papers from researchers, scholars, and practitioners from Tanzania and the rest of the world for publication in the March, June, September and December volumes of TzJMS (2025). Manuscripts submitted to the TzJMS should present original materials that have not been previously published or are being considered for publication elsewhere.
Continuous article publication:
To ensure the rapid dissemination of knowledge, the TzJMS follows the continuous article publication model, which implies that an article for an issue will be published as and when that article is accepted instead of waiting for all articles intended for that issue to be ready.
Guidelines for preparation of manuscripts:
- Authors should submit papers in MS Word format. All papers must be accompanied by the name, designation, institutional affiliation, and email addresses of the author.
- The papers should be written in clear, correct and concise English.
- The minimum and maximum word limit of a manuscript should be between 3000 and 8000 words. The Abstract should be about 200 words followed by 4 - 6 keywords.
- Notes should be numbered serially and presented at the end of the article. Notes must contain more than a mere reference.
- Exact measurements should be written in figures (5 km, 20 per cent). Authors should use the international number system.
- Authors should follow the referencing style as recommended in the 7th edition of the American Psychological Association’s Publication Manual.
- Tables and figures are to be indicated by number (e.g., Table 1), and not by position (e.g., Table above). The journal prefers short, sharp and well-defined titles and headings in tables and figures.
- References should be listed in alphabetical order at the end of the manuscript.
- Submissions to the journal must be original, and not already published or under consideration for publication elsewhere.
- All manuscripts will be subjected to a plagiarism check, and double-blind peer review.
- Authors bear responsibility for plagiarism and the use of materials protected by copyright laws.
- The final decision on the publication of an article will be made by the Editorial Board.
- The submission of manuscripts is accepted on a rolling basis. Manuscripts which are submitted too late for a current issue will be assigned to the next issue of the journal.
Deadline for submissions: Open.
Publication charges: Tanzanian authors (80 000 Tanzanian Shillings), Foreign authors (30 USD or equivalent).
Enquiries and submissions: Soft copies of well-written manuscripts (in .docx format) should be mailed to:
Amade Roberts Amana, PhD.
(Associate Professor)